• The difference between getting a job and being passed up may lie in the impression you make with your attire. Be sure your clothes are clean and pressed a few days before the interview. Nails, hair and polished shoes are details that should not be overlooked. Your clothes should not be wrinkled. These are especially important details when applying for any customer service position where contact is required.
  • Do advance research into the Company. Find out as much detail about the job description and its possibilities as you can. Also research the company. There are many places you can go to learn about their culture, values and statistics. The internet, books, talking to people all offer a lot of information.
  • Practice answering the worst question you can think of. Role play with a friend or in front of the mirror. Anticipate questions and be prepared for some you haven’t thought of.
  • Ask questions about the health of the company. Find out their core values.
  • Be enthusiastic! You are there to sell yourself without sounding like you are reading from cue cards. Rave about your accomplishments. Tell the interviewer what you have done in your jobs.
  • Ask about benefits. Ask what a typical day is like.
  • Make sure you know where you are going. Sometimes it helps to drive to the site the day before so you don’t get lost the day of the interview. There are a few websites devoted to providing you with driving directions.
  • Relax- take a walk, ride a bike, take a bath. Do what it takes to stay calm.
  • Be yourself. Don’t fill your conversation with answers you think they want to hear. Be honest and display your good attitude.
  • Arrive on time. Get there 10 minutes before the interview. If you think you are going to be late, get to a phone and call.
  • Bring extra copies of your resume & a list of references.
  • Get a business card and send a Thank You note immediately after the interview.

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